Improve your players' technique & reflections with this game
Panna Football has its roots in the streets. Players play 1vs1 inside a small space having as main target to pass the ball under the opponent's legs. This move is called "Panna" or "Nutmeg".

In the tight spaces of panna football, players learn to control the ball in an effective way, so that the opponent cannot steal the ball easily. They have multiple touches with the ball and focuse on 1v1 moves that also apply in real matches.

AirPitch Beehive is our latest innovation!
It includes multiple panna fields and is ideal for football events that focus on player development & entertainment.

Every format of small-sided football has a unique impact on player development and FAs, Clubs, Academies and Soccer Schools have the opportunity to upgrade their game with the AirPitches.
For more information, you can visit airpitchfootball.com