Finding the Future Lionesses
BazookaGoal & 3v3UK are thrilled to provide our services to the "Discover My talent" team. We 've got several events coming up around the country where we utilise our 3v3UK AirPitches so the talent spotters can see the girls in an environment where they can showcase their England charateristics.

England football are looking for players who are eligible to represent England, who are born between 2008 and 2010 (or 2006 and 2010 players living outside of England), this could even include players who excel in other sports who may have transferable skills!

By organising 3v3 tournaments, we help England Football to ensure England teams are supplied with the quality, diversity and depth of players to enable England to win another major tournament. At the same time, the Future Lionesses enjoy playing football with more touches, passes and goals!

Watch the interviews in the below video (from the England Football Official Account):